This week has been a lot of fun, but extremely busy. Last Wednesday my in-laws arrived. They haven't been to Indiana to visit since February. Their visit was long overdue, and we've had a wonderful time. Thursday was the usual school, violin lesson, etc., and that evening our school had a fundraising chili supper. So that day went by quickly. On Friday, we had invited some friends of ours over for supper, so the day was spent doing the usual, plus cleaning and cooking and getting ready for guests. On Saturday, my in-laws celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. So they wanted to do something different and go somewhere they hadn't been before. We made our way to West Lafayette to visit Historic Prophetstown. There is a state park there, and a pioneer working farm. They have lots of neat "hands on" things for the kids to do and things to explore. Below is four of our family squeezed into an old Model T. Danae wasn't with us, she was at a friend's birthday party, and Makayla was securely fastened in the stroller (for about the 100th time). So we opted to do the four of us.

Here is my mother-in-law playing the piano like she's never played before. Jonathan, over in the corner, is playing with an old phonograph.

Then outside, Jonathan was so proud of himself. He was able to catch one of the chickens that was running around. He and Jeffrey came running over to show us, and Jeffrey declared that they had "caught our supper". We had a great time, and it was enjoyed by all. We went to the Olive Garden for supper to celebrate the big anniversary.

Next, well, I just have to post this picture of my father-in-law. He and I get along great, and we love to pick on one another. He is the one who called from NY one day and told me that "he was having trouble getting on my glob" (he meant blog). I laughed so hard at him. He's the same person who called a jacuzzi a "cachoosie". Anyway, Saturday evening we stopped to get Danae from the birthday party, and they invited us to stay a while. The host fixed my father-in-law a cup of coffee. I came around the corner to see him sitting on the couch with this coffee cup in his hand. It says "Double Bubble" on it. I died laughing, and couldn't resist taking his picture. I love him dearly, he is a wonderful grandpa to our children.

On Sunday, the grandparents wanted recent pictures with the grandchildren, so we did that.

And we figured we might as well do a family one then too.

Monday we went shopping and ran the roads. Paul's dad put new brakes on Paul's car, and we had some nice "visit" time in the evening. Today we went to Kokomo to meet some of my mother-in-laws family for lunch, and got back in time to pick up the children, run them to piano lesson, put a pot of soup on for supper, change the oil in the van, help with homework, run an errand, put the children to bed, visit for a while, fall into bed, and then not be able to sleep (it's 12:39 a.m.) Anyway, tomorrow they head back to NY. It's been great to have them here, and we hate see them go.
The puppies are getting big, and have made their new home outside. Tomorrow I place the ad in the paper to start taking deposits on them. They're really cute, and I'm sure their pictures will probably appear here another time or two before they all find new homes.

Tonight while I was out running my errand, the sunset was one of the most beautiful that I have ever seen. I reached over and turned the radio off, and just thanked the Lord for His reminder of His love and His goodness. Tears came to my eyes as I was reminded that He cares so much about me that He would take the time to create such a breathtaking site for me to enjoy. Our God is Awesome. Revel in His goodness today.
What a neat place to visit. We'll have to check it out! Happy Anniversary to your in-laws. 45 years is a HUGE milestone these days.
Looks like you had a fun-filled week!
Sounds like lots of fun and great memories! The sunset was breathtaking and I wasn't even there to see it in person!! WOW! God is so good to just give us a special "gift" now and then to remind us of His love!!! Thanks for catching us up!
I declare...You all are always doing something fun! Looks like you had a great weekend with your family! I also love the pictures of those adorable puppies!(And yes, that sunset was beautiful!)
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