Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Adventure

Over this past weekend I embarked on an adventure, not a new one, just joined the adventure again. I am back in the Home Interiors (HI) business. I sold HI when we lived in NY. Had a good business going, and then we moved. Of course when we moved, I was six months pregnant, then the baby came soon, and we were in a new area, along with all of the challenges of having a new baby, Paul starting a new job, new home, new area, new church...you get the picture. So about a year ago or so, I let the business go. However, since then they have changed so many things, one of which, they ship the merchandise directly to the individual that orders it. So........I can still sell to my customers in NY, or anywhere in the US for that matter. Shipping is real inexpensive, up to $30 is $3, and 10% of purchase thereafter. (I couldn't deliver it that cheap.) I am really excited about the potential, and I love HI anyway. I know many of you are familiar with HI, but I wanted all of my friends to know that I'm back in business. Also, (drum roll, please) if anyone is interested. Right now they are having a huge candle sale. You can buy the ever popular petite jar candle for only $4.89, the one that is a little larger for $11.19, and then the largest container candle for only $13.99. That is a savings of 30%!!! This is the best time to stock up, with fall in full swing (we have some great fall scents), and with Christmas coming too. This sale ends Saturday, if you're interested. Hey, I won't promote my business here regularly, but I just wanted everyone to know. It doesn't matter where you live, I can still service you. Just go to my website:, look around, check out the candles and all of the other great stuff, and if you're interested in taking advantage of this wonderful candle sale, feel free to e-mail me from that page, or give me a call.

Hey, thanks for letting me rattle on about this. Like I said, I won't do this often.

Well, I need to get back to the new mother. I'm being OB nurse today. Annabelle (our dog) is having puppies. Seven is the count so far.

Monday, September 24, 2007

13 Years Ago Today...

...I married my best friend. I will never forget that day. I look back on those early days of dating and falling in love - staying up late, talking on the phone for hours, thinking, "Maybe he is the one." I look back on our wedding day and I feel the joy of hearing him say "I do". I laugh about our first days of marriage, of discovering differences as well as the sheer, comfortable joy of just being together.

I look at us now, and I can see that each year we're finding how to walk with each other and with the Lord. I imagine the future, growing old together, and I look forward to lifetime of being together. Today we celebreate all we've been, all we are, and all we're still becoming. Most of I, I celebrate my husband...Paul, the man I will always love. I wouldn't trade what we have for anything. Happy Anniversary, Honey!

Busy, Busy Busy!!!!

Where do I begin? It has been a long time since I blogged, and it seems that so much has happened in the past couple of weeks. I guess that I'll start with this past weekend.

On Friday, the children were home from school because the teacher's had convention. After they got their school work done, the three oldest went for a bike ride. They had been gone for a few minutes when Danae came rushing into the house declaring there had been an emergency. Jeffrey had a wreck on his bike, and took the fall on his chin. To make a looooong story short, he ended up with two "itches" as he calls them. He is doing better now, and they should come out by Wednesday. Here is a picture of the ailing child before the actual "itches" were administered.

Then weekend before this past, Paul had another wedding cake to do, in addition to finishing the landscaping job at the church. The landscaping is now finally complete. I don't have pictures of the completed job yet. Once I get them, I'll be sure to post them. I do, however, have a picture of the cake. It was really pretty. He did an excellent job...as usual.
Also, weekend before this past, my mom and I went garage sailing again. We figured this would probably be our last "bash" for the season. Here is a picture of my "big" purchase on Saturday...a new entertainment cabinet. I love it because I can close the doors, and it matches my living room perfectly (it's more burgundy in person that it looks in the pic. It looks really red here). And to think I only paid $45!!!! (It was $400. new!!!!)

And then, as you can see, Makayla has been busy too. Since she's been busy, guess what? I've been busy too. This was the initial "discovery" of the beloved toilet paper roll, and oh what fun it was. I'm sure that there are even more destructive things to come. She's 10 months old tomorrow, and soon will be walking. She crawls everywhere, and pulls herself up to everything. The fun has just begun.

Be sure to check out below for the other couple of blogs posted earlier. Thanks for stopping by.

Now the boys "Morphed"

Here's Jeffrey.

Here's Jonathan.

Be sure to check out below for the "Morphing" of the rest of the family. Have a happy day.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

We've Been Morphed

I had gone to Nichole Cassady's blog and had seen where she did the "morphing" thing, and I thought that it would be interesting to do it too. Here's what we look like. These can be really funny.

Here's Paul.

Here's me.

Here's Danae. I think her's is about the best.

Here's Makayla.

I've messed around with this far toooooooooo long tonight so I won't post the boys. I have so much other stuff that I need to be blogging about. Sorry it's been so long. There's been lots going on. Hopefully I can get all caught up on it all in the next few days.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ever Wonder What They'll Look Like?

I don't know if any of you mothers out there ever wonder what your children will look like when they grow up or not, but I do. I really am not wishing their lives away, but I just think it's interesting to think about. Several weeks ago, a girl in our church brought her boyfriend to church with her (they were home visiting from GBS). His name is Greg. They were sitting in the seat directly in front of us, and as I sat there during the service, I got to looking at him. Hair about the same color as Jeffrey's, same color eyes, stocky build, full lips, etc., and I just wondered, "Will Jeffrey look like him when he grows up?" So after church I had Greg hold Jeffrey so that I could get their picture together. What do you think? Any similarity? Just a curious question.

In other news, I haven't blogged this week because I have been extremely busy. Of course Monday was a holiday, and everything that that entails. On Tuesday morning, it was Jeffrey's first day of Kindergarten (hopefully I can post about that soon). After I got back from dropping the children off at school, I started on a major redecorating project...the boy's room (hopefully I can post pics of that soon too). Anyway, Tuesday I painted bunk beds, Wednesday I painted the ceiling and the window trim, Thursday I painted the rest of the trim and walls, and Friday I finished with about a hour of painting, and then worked the rest of the day putting it all back together. It really turned out nice, and I sure am glad that the project is now complete. It's a wonderful feeling. This week I'll be playing catch up on all of my housework and laundry that didn't get done LAST week because of being tied up on the redecorating project. On top of the redecorating, our church was in revival as well. I've promised myself that in the future, I will not undertake a huge project during the week of revival. It just made things more hectic, and stressful. I plan to plan better the next time.

Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by, and be sure to let me know you were here.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Candidate for "Cutest Baby Contest" at Wal-Mart?

OK, all you bloggers out there, I need your opinions. I'm thinking about entering Makayla in the "Cutest Baby Contest" at Wal-Mart. It is a fund-raiser for some charity organization. What do you think? Do you think I should do it? Does she have a chance at winning? And those of you that are local, would you cast your vote for her? Let me hear from you. I need to do it probably tomorrow if I'm going to do it. So let me know your opinions. I'll be anxiously awaiting your input. I know what I think, but I'm sure I'm a little prejudice. Jonathan put this cool whip container on her head yesterday, and as you can see, she didn't mind it at all. She wore it for quite a while. She's lovin' it.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Wedding Pictures and DaNae's Definition of Home

Home, safe and sound! Whew! We traveled over 900 miles in less than 36 hours. The wedding was beautiful, and we are so glad that we were able to go. Jeanette and Bill are both very musical so the wedding was filled with lots of instrumental music as well as songs. She surprised him and sang a song to him right after her father gave her away. She sang, "I Will Marry My Best Friend". It was so great to be able to see everyone again, and to be with Paul parents. Here is a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wieserman!!!! Congratulations to them both!

Here is a picture of Jeanette's whole immediate family: top row, Daniel, Joel and Joli (she is married to Tim Dendler). Bottom row: Rev. Daniel Heckman, Jeanette, Bill and Sharon Heckman. The Heckman's were our pastor when we lived in upstate New York. We grew to be wonderful friends, and have so appreciated their lives and the opportunity to know them. We love them very much. They are a wonderful family. Daniel is in college now studying to be an electrical engineer, Joel is now in High School (doesn't seem possible), and Joli has two little boys, ages 3 and one. They are adorable.

Her cake was beautiful and the reception was lovely. Everything was delicious!
Here is a picture of the groom with my two handsome princes, someday (quicker than I realize, I'm sure) they'll be groom's at their own weddings. I'm treasuring these days while I have them at home.
Saturday morning we were able to have breakfast with Paul's parents and the Heckman's. We had a wonderful visit. There certainly is nothing like being part of the family of God. Friendship are formed that will last forever. We arrived home about 8:00 p.m. last night. Shortly after we go home, DaNae said: "It is so good to be home. There is just no place like home, because at home you can do all of those fun things that you like to do, and you can go to the bathroom when you need to, instead of waiting in the van for three hours to stop at a gas station". Leave it to her, she's very descriptive, and I guess, for now, that's what HOME means to her :). Here is a picture of her with Jeanette.

I am home this morning from church because Jonathan was up in the night sick. He is feeling better now, and we're planning to go to church tonight. I don't usually blog on Sunday morning, but since I was home and had a little "down time", I thought I'd post. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday tomorrow. Paul is heading up a work day at our church, re-landscaping our church. I'll plan to post pictures of that project later. Have a marvelous Labor Day.