Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I know, I know...'s been FOREVER since I blogged. Sorry. It just seems things have been so hectic that I haven't had time to blog or read anyone else's blog either. Anyway, two weekends ago we went to UBC to attend the annual Old Fashioned day. The weather was HOT and miserable. It was hard to believe that it was 90 degrees in October (must be that global warming thing). One of the activities that I enjoyed watching was the "Pie in the Face" booth. Bro. Glick was the first on the list. Here you'll see Jeremy Fish getting.....READY
CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you paid $5.00, instead of $1.00 you could stand up close and just "smear". It was quite interesting. Some people had quite a time. (Are you ok, Bro. Glick, under all that cream? Can you even breathe?)

Talk about an "ear full".

Anyway, it was quite crowded, and too hot to eat under the tent, so we had "dinner on the ground" in the shade of the van parked next to ours. It was a real nice day, and we got to see lots of friends that we only see in a blue moon.
Sunday night after our jaunt to UBC on Saturday, I started with terrible back pain. Needless to say, I was down in my back for a good part of the week. On Tuesday I kept Jonathan home from school to help me with Makayla because I was not able to lift her. ( picture to post of the ailing mama.) Anyway, I was able to go to a massage therapist on Tuesday, and she worked wonders for me. I am doing much better.
Also, this week one of my long time friend's brother was killed in a "freak" accident on Wednesday night. He was a police officer with the Shelbyville Police Department. This has been a very difficult time for all of the family.
This past Saturday our family attended "The Feast of the Hunter's Moon". It is a annual festival that is held about 30 minutes from us. It is reminiscent of the days of the early settlers. It was very interesting, and a neat experience for all of us. They had several drum and bugle corps there, as well as war reenactments. Lots of people dressed in attire from that era. Here is a picture of one of the "battles" in progress.
I thought this little wagon and little girl was so cute. Couldn't resist the Kodak moment.
Then this week I have been busy taking care of 11 puppies (we lost one), getting ready for company (my in-laws arrived today for a week), and coordinating a large event that is planned to take place in a couple of weeks. Right now I'm feeling a little swamped and somewhat overwhelmed.
The children are doing great, and Makayla got her first two teeth over the weekend. She's almost 11 months old, and a couple of nights ago, I couldn't resist taking her picture. I told the three older ones that she looked like a sleeping beauty. We'll soon be celebrating a first birthday. Doesn't seem possible. Thanks to everyone who took the time to stop by today. Hope you have a blessed day. I will plan to do better about blogging.


LaDonna said...

OOHH, I was SO EXCITED to see that you blogged!!!! The pictures were great. I got the catalogs today, thanks!!! :)

tacomom said...

Hey, she still lives! loL!! Glad to see a new post :) Enjoyed the pie in the face pictures (well, all the rest too :)

Ronda said...

Love the picture of "Makayla"...That is just beautiful! Can't believe that she is almost "1"...Seems like you were just pregnant with her!