Monday, September 24, 2007

Busy, Busy Busy!!!!

Where do I begin? It has been a long time since I blogged, and it seems that so much has happened in the past couple of weeks. I guess that I'll start with this past weekend.

On Friday, the children were home from school because the teacher's had convention. After they got their school work done, the three oldest went for a bike ride. They had been gone for a few minutes when Danae came rushing into the house declaring there had been an emergency. Jeffrey had a wreck on his bike, and took the fall on his chin. To make a looooong story short, he ended up with two "itches" as he calls them. He is doing better now, and they should come out by Wednesday. Here is a picture of the ailing child before the actual "itches" were administered.

Then weekend before this past, Paul had another wedding cake to do, in addition to finishing the landscaping job at the church. The landscaping is now finally complete. I don't have pictures of the completed job yet. Once I get them, I'll be sure to post them. I do, however, have a picture of the cake. It was really pretty. He did an excellent usual.
Also, weekend before this past, my mom and I went garage sailing again. We figured this would probably be our last "bash" for the season. Here is a picture of my "big" purchase on Saturday...a new entertainment cabinet. I love it because I can close the doors, and it matches my living room perfectly (it's more burgundy in person that it looks in the pic. It looks really red here). And to think I only paid $45!!!! (It was $400. new!!!!)

And then, as you can see, Makayla has been busy too. Since she's been busy, guess what? I've been busy too. This was the initial "discovery" of the beloved toilet paper roll, and oh what fun it was. I'm sure that there are even more destructive things to come. She's 10 months old tomorrow, and soon will be walking. She crawls everywhere, and pulls herself up to everything. The fun has just begun.

Be sure to check out below for the other couple of blogs posted earlier. Thanks for stopping by.


Mary Ellen said...

Ouch - I did the same thing when I was about 10 years old but we didn't do the stitches. It seems like that is about the most common place for kids to have stitches, I've heard of more kids having them there! Michael busted his open before too (twice) but we used the medical stuff that is like Super Glue to put it back together since it was on the bottom of the chin and a scar there didn't matter. Glad it wasn't any worse for him.

The picture of your baby is just too cute - and she looks so happy with her new "toy!"

Janiece said...

Sorry to hear about Jeffery's fall, ouch. --Love your new purchase, it is neat looking and a great buy! --Little Missy looks like she was having a ball : )