Monday, September 24, 2007

13 Years Ago Today...

...I married my best friend. I will never forget that day. I look back on those early days of dating and falling in love - staying up late, talking on the phone for hours, thinking, "Maybe he is the one." I look back on our wedding day and I feel the joy of hearing him say "I do". I laugh about our first days of marriage, of discovering differences as well as the sheer, comfortable joy of just being together.

I look at us now, and I can see that each year we're finding how to walk with each other and with the Lord. I imagine the future, growing old together, and I look forward to lifetime of being together. Today we celebreate all we've been, all we are, and all we're still becoming. Most of I, I celebrate my husband...Paul, the man I will always love. I wouldn't trade what we have for anything. Happy Anniversary, Honey!


Mary Ellen said...

Happy Anniversary! Your bike riding is really paying off - you can tell you've really slimmed down from this picture!

Patty said...

Happy Anniversary- ours is tomorrow! 15 years for us. I did not know our anniversarys were a day apart.

Janiece said...

Happy Anniversary you guys! You got married only 2 months after us.

tacomom said...

So is this why you had your camera out Sunday night? I thought you were taking pictures of Lisa's new car :) Happy Anniversary! We are almost ready to hit #14.

Leah said...

Happy Anniversary!! You two look great!!!

LaDonna said...

I am sorry I didn't call or post a "happy anniversary" note to you on Monday! I thought about you and hoped you would have a good day, honest!! You are really looking great, keep up the hard work!

audrey w said...

You have a beautiful family.I grew up in N.Y. and I knew Paul's family when attending the Paul's family came to visit our farm many times. We saw his folks at church when we visited my Dad Labor Day weekend.