Friday, July 13, 2007

You Know You're a Mother of Young Children When...

In the past several days several things have happened, constantly reminding me that I am a typical mother of younger children. So tonight (since I can't sleep), I've decided to list some of them for you.

I know I have children when:

  • I am forever asking "Who took my comb?"

  • I always have dirty dishes in my sink.

  • I frequently have to re-fill my water bottle since it seems to have become the "community" cup.

  • My kitchen utensils are found in the sandbox.

  • I can't find my shoes because one of my children is wearing them.

  • I have a perpetual "burp" stain on everything I wear.

  • My "purse" is a big black bag with a little bear that says "Similac" on it.

Just to name a few. But last, and certainly not least (drum roll please...........)

  • I find that my supply of feminine products is slowly dwindling because they are being used as "band-aids" for MOSQUITO bites (can you believe it?)

But you know what? I wouldn't trade a one of them for anything. Because I am rewarded to know that I'm a mother when:

  • A batch of chocolate chip cookies disappear in less than 24 hours.

  • I little five year old wraps his chubby arms around my neck and kisses me sweetly.

  • I find a note laying on the bathroom sink telling me she loves me.

  • I hear, "Mom, you're the best cook in the world".

  • A child comes in carrying a fist full of wild flowers to give to me.

  • He asks me one more time to tuck him into bed (I know these days will soon be past).

  • She searches the room looking for me, and breaks into a beautiful smile when our eyes meet.

  • They kiss me good-night and tell me they love me.

Wow!!!! I am sooooooooo blessed. Thank you, Lord, for the treasure you have given me in my four beautiful children. What a blessing from your hand they are in my life. Thanks for reminding me that my job as a mommy is worth every minute that I invest in them. I love you all, Jonathan, DaNae, Jeffrey and Makayla.


Leah said...

I laughed and wanted to cry all while reading your blog today! Enjoy your moments of having them young! Just remember that God is ALWAYS faithful.

tacomom said...

Ditto :)

Lisa said...

I can relate to many of those, especially the "bandaid" pad problem. When Jordan was little our preacher was visiting us and Jordan came out with pads plastered all over his face and arms for "bannaids for my skeeties"....I wanted to cry I was so humiliated!!!
It is a fun memory though!!

LaDonna said...

That story about the feminine products reminded me of that photo I have on my computer of the little boy with the panty liners ALL OVER his body!! I break into uncontrolable laughter every time I see that photo!!!! You are right, these days are both tiring and rewarding at the same time, but they so swiftly's the little moments every day that we have to treasure. And THAT'S why we scrapbook, RIGHT???

Mary Ellen said...

What a great blog! And boy can I relate...except for the "band-aid" one here has tried that YET but that is hilarious.

Bobbie said...

Catrena, You're exactly right. It's so worth it when you think of all the special little, cute things our children say and do. Sometimes you can be so down or tired and when one of them say something so cute it can brighten your whole day.